What is bespoke jewellery?

 A fine bespoke jeweler can customize a wedding band that matches the engagement ring flawlessly. Nonetheless, bespoke jewelry is custom-made jewelry for a specific client.

In addition, anything labeled “bespoke” is one-of-a-kind or made-to-order. It’s anything built expressly with the client in mind and in close partnership with that customer. This term can be applied to almost everything today, although professional tailors and dressmakers first coined it in late 1700 England.

However, bespoke items or services take longer to create. They are generally associated with luxury (not quite the same thing as having a readily available product personalized).

In particular, jewelry typically will use better materials — for example, a tailored suit made of better cloth than buying a ready-made suit straight from a shop. Bespoke goods for a wedding can include stationery, jewelry, a bride’s gown, and even shoes!

6 Things to Consider When Commissioning Bespoke Jewellery

Why bespoke jewellery?

Bespoke jewelry allows you to bring a piece of your heart, personality, and uniqueness to this occasion. In addition, you can choose every element, and we craft the result according to your personalized requirements.

However, if you’re thinking about buying your loved one a personalized engagement ring, getting it right cannot seem easy if it is your first time. It can be helpful if you work with a professional who’ll guide you to meet your requirements. In a nutshell, bespoke refers to something that is made especially for you.

Moreover, it doesn’t matter what kind of jewelry you wear; it might be an engagement ring, a wedding band, a bracelet, or a necklace. It’s bespoke if developed and custom-made to your specifications rather than purchased ‘off-the-shelf.’

People are frequently scared by the prospect of working with custom jewelers on a personalized piece. What if it turns out to be prohibitively expensive? If I’m not fond of it? If the person you’re gifting it to doesn’t like it? If you’re interested in owning a one-of-a-kind item but need help knowing where to begin, read for some tips!

1. Think About A Preferred Aesthetic

It's not for the faint of heart to go completely bespoke. It's one thing to adore a designer's ready-to-wear line and alter an existing piece. However, going completely bespoke necessitates creativity and a great deal of trust between you and the designer.

Hence, do you want something more modern or more traditional? What is your favorite color? Is your style more edgy or understated? Is your style more casual, or do you prefer to dress up for special occasions? Be clear about what you want and then communicate that to the designer. Trained designers will likely understand and incorporate your requirements into your bespoke item.

Suppose you need help visualizing what something will look like in the end. In that case, you might be better off customizing to a smaller extent— for example, changing the metal and gemstone colors, or simply changing the proportions of an existing piece. The style of jewelry that appeals to you is also significant.

Additionally, Pinterest can be a terrific channel for creating a mood board of ideas. If you use it to look for the jewelry you like, it will likely suggest similar styles you enjoy. After clarifying the type you want, it is finally time to share it with your designer.

A good designer is versatile and can deliver various designs for unique individuals. Design work requires close consultation and discussion between the client and the designer. Individual expertise on the designer’s part plays a significant role in the process. A certified diamond grader and GIA gemologist run Singapore jeweler Gems Origins. You can expect top-notch jewels handpicked for your bespoke item.

2. Special Elements In Bespoke Jewellery

As it reveals so much about you and your needs, this is perhaps one of the most fascinating and crucial phases of the process. This phase will help you eliminate a lot of things that aren't right for you.

Colour and quality are two main words to consider when it comes to gemstones. There are lots of choices when it comes to selecting which precious stone should accent your design, whether it's a sparkling diamond or a radiant ruby.

It must, however, be significant and, above all, of the highest quality and selection for each design. The last touch, the precious metal you choose, will influence the design's overall look and feel.

Gold is a choice that is frequently associated with luxury and timeless style. Rose gold has a warm pink tint that lends a romantic sense to a piece of jewellery, while white gold lends a more contemporary feel. As platinum is the most durable metal, it is ideal for engagement rings.

3. What Occasion Is The Jewellery Worn For?

The importance of wearability cannot be overstated! This is something which you should spend some time considering because it can influence the metals used and the piece's finish.

Is this going to be a simple everyday garment that you'll wear every day? Or will it be a one-of-a-kind showpiece that only appears on special occasions? Do you have a job or a hobby that requires you to use your hands a lot?

All of these factors must be taken into account, as some metals are softer than others, and some stone settings are more prone to being bumped and broken. Your designer should be able to help you figure out what will work best for you.

4. How Much Are You Willing To Spend On Jewellery?

Having a rough idea of how much you're willing to pay will help you narrow down the possibilities available. With that said, if you like a specific designer, you might want to consider increasing your budget.

Spending more on something you'll enjoy is preferable to spending less on something that will end up lying about in your jewellery box. It's always a good idea to tell the jeweller exactly how much money you have to spend right away.

After all, yearning for diamonds is pointless if you're on a cubic zirconia budget. However, with a few tweaks, you might be able to create your dream piece using alternate materials, such as changing one metal for another or selecting different gemstones to meet your needs.

A good quality 1ct diamond would be in the five digits. Perhaps a coloured gemstone would be more suitable for you. You should know that a 3-4ct gemstone would be within the same range as the afore mentioned 1ct diamond.

Your designer will create design sketches and costings after they have enough information about what you desire. When you decide to proceed, you should expect to pay a 50% deposit and the remaining 50% upon completion of the work.

5. How Soon Do You Need The Finished Piece?

Some designers can turn pieces around in a matter of days, while others can take six to ten weeks, with others up to six months. These deadlines are set by designers to give you the highest quality jewellery possible.

The bespoke process requires a high level of attention to detail and it would be best not to rush the process. Haste is a waste of time, and you don’t want to experience buyer's remorse, right? If you don't agree with an idea, don't be shy to say so.

Designers are creative people with a lot of ideas. Being open and honest with designers allows them to better understand what you're searching for and to respond to your needs. Don't hesitate to express your actual feelings because the process is expected to require some back and forth.

You'll never know exactly how your final product will turn out until it's completed. However, by this point, you should be ready to trust the process. Furthermore, your leap should no longer feel like a leap, but rather like a confident move in the right direction.

6. Deciding on the main gem

It’s finally time to piece it all together. Now, to wrap it up: have you decided on the stone you want used? Perhaps this could follow on from your favourite colour. What about suitability with your skin tone and your wardrobe’s colour palette?

How about the gemstone’s shape? Shape and colour can be very personal so take into consideration how well the gem complements your style/identity.

Also, take into account the shapes of jewellery you already own and want to add to your collection.

We craft jewels to your personal perfection

Gems Origin is a private bespoke jeweller in Singapore that handcrafts unique customised jewellery with
high-quality handpicked gems.

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